Who are BRDG?

Bath Roller Derby Girls was born in 2012 - when a few would-be roller girls decided that although the South West already boasted many a fine derby league, it was time for Bath to have one of their own! Cue lots of pub-based meetings, an epic venue search, a bit of publicity... and BRDG was begotten.

A few months down the line and we're scrimmaging and training three times a week, with around 45 regular skaters, including a third generation of Fresh Meat being trained up ready to be welcomed on board.

BRDG is a real mix of women - tall, small, students, mums, morris dancers, long-time skaters and total newbies. We're a very sociable league, with loads of activities (fundraising, social, fitness, trips) planned outside of official training sessions.

The league's come a long way in the last few months. Our aim now is to get a really strong travel team out on the road and grow as a league in skill, experience and numbers! 

Individual player profiles to follow soon...

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